Friday, June 13, 2008

Crisis Cleaning

My in-laws are on their way down from Knoxville to spend the weekend with us, so I am in, as we call it at my house, "crisis cleaning mode!" I started on a card last night (probably should have started cleaning the house then, huh) but did not get to finish! Hopefully, I'll be able to finish up and post it tonight. Until then, wishing everyone a Lucky Friday the 13th. It's ALWAYs A Stampin' Good Time (except when you should be cleaning for company)! Take care!


Anonymous said...

OOOH have a great weekend!!! LOL about your crisis cleaning!! I do that ALLLLLLLLLLL the time!!!! (that's what I should be doing NOW too lol)

Rose Ann said...

I can relate to your story sooo well!! Best of luck, Beth!

smiln60 said...

Hey there Beth,
You did it!!! It was good to see your family again.
We do need to get together sometime and catch up.
I've read your blogs, just didn't have the time or energy to comment.

Hope to see you soon.
